The Wisconsin GLOBE Program

The Office of Space Science Education at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) is the GLOBE Partner in Wisconsin. Our staff of certified GLOBE trainers put on workshops in collaboration with GLOBE headquarters, however, educators must still register on-line for any given workshop.
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment is a worldwide network of students, teachers, and scientists working together to study and understand the earth's environment. Over a million primary and secondary students in more than 10,000 schools have taken part in the program; there are more than 16,000 GLOBE trained teachers worldwide! Currently 96 countries participate in GLOBE.
GLOBE students make environmental observations at or near their schools and report their data through the Internet. Scientists use GLOBE data in their research and provide feedback to the students to enrich their science education. Global images based on GLOBE student data are displayed on the World Wide Web, enabling students and other visitors to use the data.
Past GLOBE Workshops
2004 Workshops
GLOBE Atmospheres
July 22, 2004
OSSE presented the GLOBE Atmosphere Protocol on the University of Wisconsin - Madison campus. The workshop followed a two day workshop in Satellite Meteorology.
2003 Workshops
CESA 9 GLOBE Workshop (Atmosphere/Climate and Hydrology)
June 30, 2003 - July 2, 2003
The Cooperative Educational Services Agency (CESA) # 9, located in Rhinelander, Wisconsin sponsored a workshop to train high school and middle school teachers from participating schools in two GLOBE protocols. The workshop was held at the Conserve School in Land O' Lakes, WI and was supported by a Educational Technology grant (Mary Lou Ley and Yvonne Vandenburg). See pictures

Wisconsin Association of Vocational Agricultural Instructors
June 26, 2003
Six teachers from around Wisconsin attended this workshop held at Spring Harbor Middle School in Madison for the GLOBE Hydrology Protocol. The GLOBE Program was introduced by Dr. Limaye and the Protocol training and data submission actitivities were led by Jim Kotoski and Margaret Mooney. See pictures
2002 Workshops
Wisconsin Association of Vocational Agriculture Instructors
July 11, 2002
A group of eight agriculture teachers from the Wisconsin Association of Vocational Agriculture Instructors summer conference participated in a one-day workshop highlighting the GLOBE Program on July 11th and covered the basic soils Protocols.
It was jointly sponsored by the GLOBE Program and the Office of Space Science Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Space Science Education Center.
The middle and high school teachers were very knowledgable about soils and enthusiastic about the program. They were quite impressed with the depth of material covered particularly in the soils sections.
They enjoyed the challenge of predicting which soil column would allow water to pass through the quickest and in the end, all were stumped.

Madison Metropolitan School District Science Institute
July 15-18, 2002
This was a partial GLOBE training (20-hours) at the Georgia O'Keeffe Middle School in collaboration with the Madison Metropolitan School District's Science Institute. The focus was on the the hydrology and atmospheric protocols with an introduction to soils. See pictures
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College
OSSE presented the full GLOBE program in Hayward at the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College. Here teachhers had the unique opportunity to be trained by GLOBE executive director, Dixon Butler. Along with being a master GLOBE trainer, Dr. Butler is also one of GLOBE's Lead Scientist. He artfully taught the atmosphere protocol to the Hayward teachers in the inquiry-based method. See pictures
2001 Workshops

CESA9 GLOBE Training
The Office of Space Science Education (OSSE) conducted two GLOBE teacher trainings during the summer of 2001. The first one was held at the Rhinelander High School at the end of July for CESA9 science teachers. Twenty-one teachers participated! See pictures
Chiwaukee Academy GLOBE Training
August 6-10, 2001
A GLOBE training workshop was conducted by OSSE at the Chiwaukee Academy on the University of Wisconsin-Parkside campus in Kenosha where eight more teachers were trained. See pictures
2000 Workshops

GLOBE Teacher Training at Chiwaukee Academy
August 2000
A GLOBE training workshop was conducted by OSSE at Chiwaukee Academy. See pictures
GLOBE-WISE Teacher Training at Madison
April 2000
A GLOBE-WISE training workshop was conducted by OSSE. See pictures
GLOBE at Spring Harbor Middle School in Madison
September 2000
A GLOBE training workshop was conducted at Spring Harbor Middle School. See pictures