Space Science Curriculum Units

Below are some selected Curriculum Units developed at other instititions. This list is neither exhaustive nor authoritive, but is merely provided here to provide a sample of what has been developed. You are welcomed and encouraged to provide Space Science curriculum modules you may have developed for other teachers to use. Email us at
Astromony Online
Targeted Level: Grades 10 to 12
Astronomy Online was originally designed as a 0.5 credit course offered through the Cluster A Consortium for Spring semester 2003 and was open to students in grades 10, 11, and 12 at Altoona, Augusta, Fall Creek and Osseo-Fairchild schools. Students worked on assignments and projects online between meetings and completed two individual projects during the semester using out of doors observations. It was a fun blend of activities on the computer and in the field!
The documents (PDF) below are the teaching materials used for the class.
- Environmental Teaching Methods: Writing an Environmental Education Unit Plan
- Astronomy Online Observing Projects
- Astronomy Online Worksheet : Moons, Rings and Pluto
Deep Sky Astronomy Inquiry Unit and Additional Worksheets
Targeted Level: Grades 6 to 8
Jim Kotoski submitted this great packet on picking a research question and how to collect information regarding that topic. The packet is 10 pages long, and it is intended for grades 6 - 8. The three other worksheets are for additional help doing the packet, if students still have questions on Deep Sky Objects. These are all PDF files, and you will need the Adobe Reader to view and print the pages.
Deep Sky Astronomy Inquiry Unit
Hubble Deep Field Academy
Targeted Level: Grades 5 to 8
The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to experience the processes actual scientists go through to organize and synthesize new information. They will have the opportunity to ask and answer questions of their own about a previously unknown region of space and then to compare their analysis to that of real astronomers currently working on the same tasks. Students will come to appreciate the importance of collaboration among scientists as well as the possibility of more than one acceptable answer to any scientific inquiry.
Standards Addressed:
- National Science Education Standards (NSES): Content Standards A & G
- Project 2061, Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS): Nature of Science, Physical Setting, Historical Perspecitves
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM): Standards for grades 5-8: 1, 5, 1
Start Hubble Deep Field Academy Online Activity
Begin this activity with the 'Orientation' link. If you would like to view more activities like this one, check out the Amazing Space link below.
Galaxies Galore Activity
Targeted Level: Grades 5 to 8
This activity is available online through the Amazing Space Website and will require your students to print off some pages, available with Adobe Reader. Go to the Galaxies Galore Website and begin with the 'Get Oriented' link. If you would like to view more activities like this one, go to the Amazing Space link below.
Start Galaxies Galore Activity
Solar System PowerPoint Presentation for K-2 Students
A basic presentation for K - 2 students on the solar system, with pictures of all the planets, galaxies, comets, stars, and the space shuttle.