Websites of General Science Interest
NASA Homepage

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Earth Science Enterprise Missions

The purpose of NASA's Earth-Sun System Science is to develop a scientific understanding of the Earth System and it's response to natural or human-induced changes to enable improved prediction capability for climate, weather, and natural hazards. The program has an end-to-end strategy to assure that all the information, understanding, and capabilities derived from it's research program achieve maximum usefulness to the scientific and decision-making communities. Increasing our knowledge of the Earth system is the goal of NASA's research on the Earth-Sun System, which is complemented by an applications and a technology program.
SSEC's GIFTS Website

Solar System Exploration

One of the four space science themes for the Office of Space Science at NASA. The web site allows you to find out more about the programs and the people in them. Some of the special features of the site include, Why Explore Our Solar System?, History of Exploration, The Planets, and The People.
The Sun Earth Connection

The Sun Earth Connection is another one of the four space science themes for the Office of Space Science at NASA. By exploring the site you will be able to understand the changing Sun and its effects on the Solar System, life, and society. Goddard Space Flight Center is the lead NASA Center for the SEC Theme.
ESA - European Space Agency

ESA, the European Space Agency, provides a vision of Europe’s future in space, and of the benefits for people on the ground that satellites can supply. It also develops the strategies needed to fulfil the vision, through collaborative projects in space science and technology. So ESA is not just a technical organization but part of Europe’s economic and social fabric, and of its culture of knowledge and skill. To sustain this success in the 21st Century, the Member States continue to look to ESA for opportune and carefully conceived multinational space projects and for help in improving their industrial competitiveness. ESA also coordinates the broad thinking needed to meet new challenges.
ESA Earth Science Missions

The European Space Agency's Earth Science missions.
JAXA - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

On October 1, 2003, the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), the National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan (NAL) and the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) were merged into one independent administrative institution to be able to perform all their activities in the aerospace field as one organization, from basic research and development to utilization. The independent administrative institution is the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA.) As space development and utilization, and aviation research and development are steps to achieve the nation's policy objectives, our contribution to problem solving is an important mission for us. JAXA proposed its long-term vision, "JAXA2025," to realize our own mission. Under our corporate message "Reaching for the skies, exploring space," JAXA is pursuing great possibilities in various aerospace fields and is striving to succeed with various research and development missions in order to contribute to the peace and happiness of humankind. See JAXA Missions here!