Online Learning Opportunities
GET-WISE Video Lectures

Geoscience Enhancement for Teachers -Wisconsin Initiative for Space Education (GET-WISE) is self-paced, web-based, asynchronous course designed to address the professional development needs for K-12 science teachers in the content areas encompassed by the space sciences, including planetary science and astronomy, earth systems science, and atmospheric science.
The series of lectures are presented by science and education experts in their field and have been previously taped before a live audience. Each video lasts from 45 minutes to more than an hour and generally include a question/answer session at the end of the lecture with the live audience.
Each lecture is complemted with a PowerPoint presentation and a resource page that provides useful links as well as Wisconsin State Science standards addressed. You are encouraged to contact the Lead Instructor (Dr. Sanjay S. Limay at for questions on the content.
GET-WISE was originally developed by Dr. Sanjay S. Limaye and Ms. Rosalyn A. Pertzbor as a Distance Learning Professional Development Program sponsored by the University of Wisconsin System PK-16 Initiative and through WINNERSS, a project funded by a Wisconsin Idea grant from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Global and Regional Climate Change (CIMSS)

A web-based climate course developed for G6-12 science teachers to learn essential principles, concepts and observations of climate change. The content design was based on the content and graphs in the "2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Summary for Policy Makers" and was guided by the Climate Literacy Framework. The material is freely accessible to all and educators can also register through the UW-Madison to earn college credit and receive feedback.