Earth Science Component for Academic Professional Enhancement (ESCAPE)

Attention Teachers!
Would you like to become experts on such earth system science events as Coral Reef Conservation, Global Climate Change, the Mt. Pinatubo Eruption, Ozone Depletion, and the Deforestation of Tropical Rainforests? These topics can captivate the interest of your upper elementary, middle and high school students and motivate them to investigate how these events reverberate throughout the earth's 4 spheres. (hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere)
The Office of Space Science Education is pleased to sponsor ESCAPE, an on-line course in Earth System Science designed by Wheeling Jesuit University's NASA's Classroom of the Future. You will work with a team of teachers (from your own school or from around the state) to become an expert on earth system science events.
The 16 week course will be offered spring and fall semsters through the UW-Madison. Weeks 1-3 will be comprised of orientation activities. During weeks 4-15 you will participate in four, three-week cycles focusing on current earth system topics such as Global Climate Change.
Two graduate level credits are available through the UW-Madison Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science. If you are not currently enrolled in the University, you must:
- apply for admission as a University Special Student,
- register via the Internet (after being admitted and cleared by the department),
- pay tuition fees