PLEASE NOTE: This program is no longer active and has been archived in SSEC Research History as of 2/23/18: More info

Earth Science Curriculum Units

Below are some selected Curriculum Units developed at other instititions. This list is neither exhaustive nor authoritive, but is merely provided here to provide a sample of what has been developed. You are welcomed and encouraged to provide Earth Science curriculum modules you may have developed for other teachers to use. Email us at

Black Earch Creek & Limnology Minifact & Analysis Sheets

Jim Kotoski submitted these great analysis sheets for you to use! They all have a brief summary on one of the following topics, and offer graphics and charts explaining standards and examples of each. There are 10 sheets in total, and they are intended for grades 6 - 8. These are all PDF files, and you will need the Adobe Reader to view and print the pages.

Hydrology Protocols

Hydrology Protocols for GLOBE and Non-GLOBE Aquatics Tests

Here is another great classroom activity submitted by Jim Kotoski on Hydrology Protocols. The main packet is 27 pages long and we are currently working on getting the Hydrology Investigation Data Worksheet online. This activity is intended for grades 6 - 8, and it is also in PDF format. To find out more about the GLOBE program and how you can become a certified teacher, please go to our Wisconsin GLOBE page or

Middle School Global Warming Project

GEODE Initiative Middle School Curriculum

In this project students learn about the scientific factors that contribute to the controversial global warming debate. The project places students as advisors to the heads of state of several different nations, prompting students to learn about the issue as they respond to the various questions and concerns of these leaders. This Earth Science project is designed for 7th through 10th grade students.


GEODE Initiative High School Curriculum

'Investigations in Environmental Sciene: a Case-based Approach to the Study of Environmental Systems', or CASES, places students in the role of environmental scientists. It engages them in investigations of realistic environmental problems, in which they must make recommendations for sustainable uses of resources. In the course of these investigations, students employ a variety of scientific research techniques, including computer tools for the visualization and analysis of geographic data. This Earth Science project is designed for 9th through 12th grade students, and addresses multiple scientific standards.